Thursday 28 April 2016

Decryption tool released for CryptXXX Ransomware

And so the story continues, in the fight against ransomware and cyber-crime Kaspersky labs have yet again come to the rescue with a decryption tool for the CryptXXX ransomware.
Victims of this strain of ransomware should download Kaspersky’s utility (available here), open “Settings,” and choose which drive types they want to have scanned. They should then click “Start scan” and choose where the encrypted .CRYPT file lies.
After asking for where the original file is located, the decryption tool will look for all other files with the .CRYPT extension and will attempt to decrypt those, as well.

I would yet again urge people to educate themselves around how phishing campaigns and dodgy website's are spreading ransomware to end users. I also urge end users to remember that a lot of the more nasty varieties of ransomware have no decryption tool available and there may not be one available for quite some time.

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