Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Ransomware now targets Smart TV's

And the saga continues...... just when you thought it couldn't get any worse some ass just created a strain of ransomware that can infect Smart Tv's. Lets set the mood, you come home from a stressful day at the office get some dinner and sit down to watch your favorite channel to discover a message demanding bitcoin to gain access to your Tv, now I'm guessing that will put you in great form for the evening. Thanks to a new version of the Frantic Locker (better known as FLocker) Ransomware has now the ability to infect and lock down your Smart TVs until you pay up the ransom making the above scenario much more realistic.

Researchers at Trend Micro have discovered the updated version of FLocker that is capable of locking Android smartphones as well as Smart TVs. Originally launched in May 2015, the FLocker ransomware initially targeted Android smartphones with its developers constantly updating the ransomware and adding support for new Android system changes. So what exactly does Smart Tv locking ransomware do ? is it the same as the other nasty laptop/desktop strains ? Well the answer to those questions is yes and no. 
  • FLocker locks the device's screen.
  • Displays a fake notice from United States Cyber Police or other law enforcement agency, accusing potential victims of crimes they did not commit.
  • Demands $200 worth of iTunes gift card as Ransom to unlock the infected TV.
Trend Micro says the malware is configured to deactivate itself in some regions including Russia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Belarus.
However, if FLocker detects devices outside these countries, the malware will wait for 30 minutes before requesting admin privileges for the device. If the victim rejects the request, FLocker freezes the screen, faking a system update.

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